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Kira's Blog Archive

I thought that this would be an easy and helpful way of staying in more contact. I get so many emails I don't get to answer them all, or take so long in answering some people wonder if I am still getting their emails! So I thought I could share bits and pieces of interest here, post them as they come along into my life.

Giving gifts that keep on giving

Giving gifts that keep on giving

I often wonder the world would be like if each one of us listened to our heart, our inner wisdom, and truly gave of ourselves to each other and the world around us. A world where giving is about supporting & empowering of others and not about status or accumulation of more 'stuff' – where the giver feels so incredibly given to by giving!

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July 2015 Newsletter update

July 2015 Newsletter update

Hello dear friends,

2015 has been an interesting year so far for me – New Year’s Day, the building I was staying in was hit by lightning, giving me an extraordinary experience of being shattered with light and sound yet feeling very whole, complete and safe. Perhaps this was a precursor for me to remember about wholeness and potential in the face of seeming disaster, as just four months later I was in Nepal during the massive earthquake. It has been an exceptional experience to share this with the Nepali communities that have become my friends and family over the past 15 years

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Yes, I am back doing readings & Events now!

Yes, I am back doing readings & Events now!

I have been back to Nepal post earthquake during June/July and I am now back in Berlin, re-engaging with my *normal* life as well continuing in support of Nepal.

I was very thankful to return to Nepal for a few weeks and connect directly with my friends and our children there. I was very touched to see what has been transpiring in terms of support and relief intiated by my various Nepali friends. Plus during my time I was able to partake in some bigger decision making that will be part of the rebuilding into the next years, much of that will be sustainable and earthquake safe. For continued updates on Nepal please visit to my newly rennovated Hands-with-Hands website:

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Nepal Earthquake - post #8

Nepal Earthquake - post #8

Close your eyes for a moment after readings these lines and simply allow what you might feel ...

For a moment imagine your home, & most of your neighbors homes have just crumbled & collapsed ... as you look across the valley you see the same picture ... electricity & communications have stop working & you see friends, family who are injured, some seriously - you have no idea when help may arrive or even if any will.

This is the snapshot of the worst affected areas in Nepal, I know these areas well & I am super grateful for friends like Bikash Shahi​ & Neel Shahi​ & Melanie Hennessy​ from TEAM Nepal who are right now getting medical help, food and some shelter materials to those in most need in the Sindulpalchok district, one of the most hard hit during the earthquake. It will take time as we support these communities to rebuild & we will need continual help - from my heart I thank you all so much for the help that has poured in already ♥ ♥♥

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Nepal Earthquake - post #7

Nepal Earthquake - post #7

Continuing to get news of help reaching where it is really needed - thank you all - in Nepal our awesome friends & International supportors/donors - many hands together we can make a difference.

Another report from another friend in Nepal - Neel Shahi initiated many projects in Sindhupalchok over the 15 years I have known him. Hands-with-Hands has helped with his Orphan Children Home, the Talamarang school & more in conjunction with his NGO "TEAM Nepal". We are continuing to help and have sent emergency relief funds already. 

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Nepal Earthquake - post #6

Nepal Earthquake - post #6

The emergency relief is getting to where it is needed - step by step

I have known Sibjan Chaulagain for several years and his integrity is outstanding - super happy to read he managed to reach Kalamati village in Sindhuli where many homes were badly damaged ... the emergency outreach is still happening, next will be the long road to rebuilding in a healthier way - however it is heart-touching to read this news update from Sibjan and see his photos:

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Nepal Earthquake - post #5

Nepal Earthquake - post #5

Good news - and the pictures say more about the extent of the damages

I am super happy to make a positive update from Nepali friends who went directly to one of the most affected rural area a few days ago and sent this note just now on their return:

"Namaste kira we all are fine here, Just I am return back to Gorkha. In the situation of Dhawa all so many houses are damaged and all school are also damaged But all people are alive. We distributed 50 tent and dry food We have15 volunteers Dhawa Vdc of gorkha .They collected so many funds and another material and helping." - Thank you Shila Pandey for your courage & willingness to help!

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Nepal Earthquake - post #4

Nepal Earthquake - post #4

Still shaking ... the after tremors continue

The situation in Nepal continues to be really difficult. After tremors continue, adding to fear and anxiety. I have just been talking with the team from our Bhaktapur Self-Sustaining Orphan Home in Sipadol village - I was with them when the actual big quake occurred and know they are all alive - but now there is no chance of living in our Home again as the building is truly structurally damaged. 

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Nepal Earthquake - post #3

Nepal Earthquake - post #3


Thank you all so much for all the heart-touching messages of support & love & donations so far! We have already managed to get some of the funds onto the ground helping with basic such as water, medicines, tents. So much more is going to be needed - honestly the magnitude of the disaster is very, very overwhelming. I am now *home* in Australia (near Byron Bay) and will be continuing to reach out and raise funds and help with logistics of getting the aid directly where it is needed. 

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Nepal Earthquake - post #1

Nepal Earthquake - post #1

 Yes - I am ok and still shaken

Thank you for all your messages – I cannot reply to all right now!

Mother Earth when she shakes it certainly is a reminder of how fragile we human beings are. The communications have been mostly 'off' since the early hours this morning so I am not fully aware of the consequences although after spending several hours so far today wandering the streets and randomly meeting up with friends and making new friends. I have seen both the immediate and potential longer term damages … many many building are standing ok, but they are structurally damaged and would not sustain another big quake. 

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Nepal Earthquake post # 2

Nepal Earthquake post # 2

Yes, I was in Nepal during the earthquake & yes I am safe & whole in body as are many of my Nepali friends ...

Update on Nepal Earthquake situation - evening of Day 3:

Right now I am sitting on a plane — with a great deal of mixed emotions. Thankful to be safe, overwhelmed with what is still unfolding in Nepal and feelings of immense helplessness. In talking with my Nepali friends I realised it is much better that I leave and help coordinate support and logistics from outside Nepal. 

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Women as Spiritual teachers

Women as Spiritual teachers

Women as Spiritual Teachers - how does Kira see this question?

I received an email recently asking questions that I am frequently asked, so I thought to share my response here for a wider outreach to others who may ponder these same questions.


One reason why I am asking for joining you retreat is based on my research and interest on spiritual practice for women or lead by women. I always found myself asking where are the feminine spiritual teachers and masters and if there might be some different practices regarding a more feminine path to awaken. I don’t know how you are guiding the retreat and would like to know a bit more about it. I really feel a deep connection to Tibet and the Himalayans even if Iv never been there yet. 

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What Can We Do?

What Can We Do?

A friend recently wrote me, feeling helpless and unsure what to *do* with the current situation in Gaza/Israel. This promted me to reply from a heartfelt place that I thought more of you may enjoy to read.

My friends' question:

I am feeling very very sad and quite tormented really by the tragedy of Gaza.  I have given myself the time to fully immerse myself in this issue as this horrific war has unfolded these last weeks...and the more I've read the more tormented by this issue I've become. ...I have really wanted to try and understand how a people who've been so persecuted themselves can become so brutalised and do this to others. 

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Inspirations from Natural Born Women retreat July 2014

Inspirations from Natural Born Women retreat July 2014

Enjoy some inspirations & suggestions that arose from our five days of immersion together as 'Natural Born Women' at Schlüßhof Retreat Center July 2014.

I love what can happen when we choose to explore & support one another, to discover more of our potential & capacity!

Sunday July 13th

Arriving here in Schlüßhof, Lychen, with the calmness of the nature feeling as a warm embrace naturally inviting a quieter mood. The stillness of the lake giving the impulse for reflection, the interchanges of sun/rain clouds a reminder of our inner changeability. 
Gathering together, naming our intent as women exploring together these next five days: Who are we as women? What does it mean to be a woman? What are women themes? How can we embrace our natural self and live this graceful strength? How can I open and receive as a woman? – A few of the questions that arise.

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Change of Year

Change of Year

One year ends, another begins - the revolving doors of life ...

Namaste dear friends, wishing you all easy & reflective last eve of the year, may your insights of what has past this last year give you illumination for what can open and evolve in the year ahead … 

For me, this past year of 2013 has been rich in so many ways, I am grateful for everyone who has been in my life in whatever way, so much diversity of experiences and meetings! So many of you have deeply touched, inspired, encouraged me in my own journey – opportunities to be vulnerable, giving/receiving, to share in this amazing adventure of life, thank you!

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Meditation Inspirations from Himalayan Mountains journal, Nepal, November 2013

Meditation Inspirations from Himalayan Mountains journal, Nepal, November 2013

Sunday, November 17th:

Gathering together, naming our intent for this nine days of meditation, yoga and contemplation. Vulnerability, curiosity, unknowns … all present. These next days are an invitation to ‘be’, to allow what arises, gently allowing focus within oneself while including the outer circumstances. This is highlighted here in Nepal right now with the government elections and the uncertainty of what may arise the next days as a consequence – a reminder to us that we exist in a world of uncertainty.

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International Peace Day, September 21st, 2013

International Peace Day, September 21st, 2013

The motto for this year’s International Peace Day is: “Who will you make Peace with?” I take this as an invitation to each of us to be active in the peace building process.

I consider that Peace as something that we all can, and do, contribute to … even when we don’t think we do! How and where we put our attention supports either peace or disharmony and conflict. It may be obvious to consider Peace when contemplating the Syria situation or what has been unfolding in Egypt or many other global conflict zones. Yet, when we consider our everyday life we may also find conflicts – with colleagues, family, partners or even with strangers! Plus, if we look within it is most likely that we will find inner conflict, the inner judge or critic arguing against other aspects of ourselves.

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Sustainable Banking: it does make a positive difference!

Sustainable Banking: it does make a positive difference!

  Some 'good news' on value-based banking, contributing to healthy,

sustainable, transparent banking.  

Recently I had the pleasure to participate in a conference of the Global Alliance of Sustainable Banks. (

 An uplifting and stimulating experience, it was simply lovely to meet the CEOs of the banks that I bank with (GLS bank in Germany, Bank MECU in Australia, Triodos bank in England) and to have real conversations with them. It was inspiring to hear about innovations the different banks around the world are creating and participating in.

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Nepal Gifts Me Open Doors To Compassion

Nepal Gifts Me Open Doors To Compassion

Being in Nepal I am consistently deepened and nourished in my spiritual path. My times here are often an eclectic mix of differing experiences, combining the visits to the many projects I am involved with, quiet time on my own, immersion into writings of various spiritual masters, meditative and contemplative time and of course the continuous reflection of 'who am I' in amongst all of it! 

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