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Kira's Blog

I thought that this would be an easy and helpful way of staying in more contact. I get so many emails I don't get to answer them all, or take so long in answering some people wonder if I am still getting their emails! So I thought I could share bits and pieces of interest here and post them as they come along into my life.


Kira's New Years 2024 greeting

Kira's New Years 2024 greeting

January 2024

Sitting here at the beginning of another year, 2024. I do always enjoy reflecting on the year ahead on this first day of the year. The external environment, as I sit here, is quite gloomy and grey and I think we could say that is a good metaphor for our world situation. For many people personal situations this past year have often been feeling overwhelming and not as transparent as perhaps we would like them to be.  

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Kira’s 2023 New Year Meditation

Kira’s 2023 New Year Meditation

January 2023

I am sitting quietly in my favourite forest at the start of 2023, taking a moment to get a sense of this year ahead. I really enjoy doing this at the beginning of the year, simply to meditate and tune in and to perhaps glimpse some sense of what this year might be. I use the nature around me as inspiration and symbology, to give me a sense of what may be coming and to perhaps perceive or understand in softer way, different to what my mind’s normal perception may be.

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Kira's 2022 New Year Meditation

Kira's 2022 New Year Meditation

January 2022

I really enjoy greeting the first day of the year immersed in one of my favourite forests. Sitting quietly at sunrise, the calls of the birds and rustling of the forest creating the soundscape background as I tune in for a New Year’s message for myself – and all of us. 

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Kira's 2021 New Year Meditation

Kira's 2021 New Year Meditation

January 2021

As 2020 draws to a close and we open into this next year of 2021, I find myself reflecting on the personal learnings I have gained this past year. Along with the chaos and  uncertainly that unfolded I am left with a compelling remembering of the power of kindness and connection – how often a random simple act of kindness had a huge ripple effect that additionally deeply nourished me.

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Perspectives on our Interesting Times

Perspectives on our Interesting Times

August 2020


(note: I have received numerous requests to share my views on the current pandemic and what it means. In this essay I have attempted to weave in answers to various questions.)

You can listen to Kira's audio recording on this subject here on Soundcloud

We are truly living in unprecedented times.

An image that has come to me repeatedly over the past few years is that of a forest. In this forest there are many big trees that dominate the forest, blocking the light for the smaller trees and new seedlings in the understory. A number of the big trees have recently been damaged causing them to partially fall onto one another. Many of these big old trees are still living but no longer in their full glory and capacity. The result is that the light is now able to reach much further down into the forest. 

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Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter

9th June 2020

Black Lives Matter – I join my voice in solidarity & invite love & deep listening into the conversation. ????

To all my friends of colour I ask and invite that you keep sharing your stories. Bring your voices to the table so that we can all begin to appreciate and understand your/our trauma and pain. So that we can sit together and begin to SEE one another as the real human beings that we are. I profoundly feel that we do need to hear the personal stories – not only of the harrowing deaths that have ignited this current wave of outcry but also the everyday stories that many of us may be blind to. Bear with us if our ears seem closed – we may need you to tell us again, and again, until we truly listen to what you are telling us.

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Taking care of one another

Taking care of one another

I wish to share with you all one beautiful present that arrived online this week - this short video made by sons of my heart in Nepal (at our Annapurna Children Home). It has been inspiring to witness them now grown now into teenagers finding their voices bringing attention in this time of COVID-19 the importance to care and look out for one another. 

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Random acts of Kindness support all of us!

Random acts of Kindness support all of us!

10 May 2020

We are currently living in unprecedented times with the impact of the COVID-19 virus impacting every country simultaneously and literally billions of people being affected in one way or another. A global crisis that is changing our world profoundly.

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Compassion Project in prisons in California

Compassion Project in prisons in California

4th May 2020

Many people in the past weeks have shared this link widely and I add my voice to it also. Deeply moving. We are born with such innocence and to have a chance to soften and open again into that space of innocence, with no shame, with compassion, is profoundly healing. This “compassion Project” initiative that is specifically aimed at bringing compassion as an approach to healing trauma in Californian prisons is deeply inspiring.

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Embracing through uncertainty and the unknown

Embracing through uncertainty and the unknown

18th March 2020

Who will join me in choosing to embrace uncertainty and the unknowns, along with our individual and collective vulnerability, to rise with kindness and compassion toward each other and ourselves? To see the possibilities within disturbances – to see rainbows ???? in the grey clouds?

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Healthy Travel Perspectives

Healthy Travel Perspectives

18 February 2020

“The future has to be sustainable”: Your responsible travel guide for 2020 (and beyond) SPONSORED BY BANK AUSTRALIA
There are many ways we can contribute healthily to the world around us - this article highlights a balanced approach to exploring holidays with a difference that have less climate impact yet provide rewarding and nourishing experiences. 

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Wishing us all a 2020 of uplifting hope!

Wishing us all a 2020 of uplifting hope!

1st January 2020

Bathing in the forest at sunrise in on Jan 1st, 2020, tuning in to what this year may bring us … the strongest impulse I had was of reigniting uplifting hope. An invitation to dream, to open and innovate. To remember our potential to reinvent ourselves by embracing vulnerability and unknown horizons and meeting each other fresh with kindness and compassion. 

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We Believe: The Best Men Can Be...

We Believe: The Best Men Can Be...

21st January 2019


I am blessed to have some truly inspiring, nourishing, informed, supportive, and strong men in my life. Including my father who always held the view that caring for one another – no matter their gender, race or other preferences – was one of the most valuable life skills he could share with his children. It gave me a vital baseline of being seen as the human being that I am. As I grew up, especially into my teens and young adulthood I realised that many people did not hold such a wide viewpoint. 

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Kira’s 2019 New Year Message

Kira’s 2019 New Year Message

Kira’s recorded New Years message while watching the sunrise in the Whian Whian forest tuning into what 2019 may hold for all of us: New recording

“In 2019 I invite that we embrace all that shows up and use the challenges to open us into grace and love ... I look forward to seeing many of you on the path this year ... I love you ... “

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As 2018 draws to a close

As 2018 draws to a close

As 2018 draws to a close I am reflecting on this past year and the personal learnings I have gained. I am left with a compelling understanding of the power of love – how much love can heal and change lives.
This year I have witnessed many people from different places, cultures and backgrounds face traumatic and heart-wrenching difficulties and challenges. It has been (and still is) a privilege to bear witness and be a person of support as friends – and sometimes strangers – travel through deep emotions and touch depths of blackness and grief most of us rarely meet.

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Satori in Byron Bay Australia

Satori in Byron Bay Australia

Hello dear friends ...

I am looking forward to facilitating Satori in Byron Bay Australia onceagain - December 8-14th at Sangsurya - in case you feel inspired to joinor wish to encourage a friend to participate the details can be found on my webpage: or by emailing at

The word Satori originated in Japan and describes that moment of illumination that can only be described as direct experience of profound truth that accompanied certain Zen practices. Once a person experiences Satori it can often mean that their life fundamentally changes. The experience of Satori can vary from person to person but the essence of the state is similar – a profound feeling of peace, a knowing, without doubt – truth. For some people the experience may only be a momentary glimpse, for others it may be an extended period – a common aspect, however, is that the knowledge of the experience is lasting and life changing. Often there is the experience of empowerment, a foundation within themselves creating a more relaxed outlook on life, choices and future potential. 

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Education makes a difference

Education makes a difference

My involvement in Nepal (now 18 years!) has truly informed me how much education makes a difference - to individuals, their community and the entire country. Education and skills training empowers a person and is in my opinion one of the main pillars to alleviate poverty in our world. I do think we can take it for granted in our western countries how much we have available to our children and youth! Being involved with schools here in Nepal and being part of the support to evolve them into facilities that can provide a range of education and skills has been enlightening and heart touching. 

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Evolution of Teenagers – co-creating and supporting our future leaders

Evolution of Teenagers – co-creating and supporting our future leaders

It has just come out in the science/health news these past weeks that teenagers/adolescents are determined to be from 10-24 instead of 10-19.

In the past few weeks, science and health news has reported that the teen/adolescent years – once thought to be from age 10 to 19 – are now considered from 10 to 24.This news is deeply confirming for me, as I have long felt and intuited that we are still developing our cognitive and emotional maturity in our early 20s. Personally, I would put the age up even further, to 27 or 28. 

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New Years 2018 Greeting from Kira

New Years 2018 Greeting from Kira

I found myself sitting quietly in the forest at sunrise 2018 reflecting on the gifts, the opportunities, the potential of this year ahead – a practice that I like to do each year. I find it helps to become aware of the openings and to highlight what I may step into, of what may be of support for this year 2018. (to listen to my voice recording scroll to end)

As I tune in this morning I get a reminder of patience – that things may not happen as fast or in the direction that I may wish or want. Yet if I give space, allow myself to relax and even literally to sit down, feel the air on my skin, hear the sounds around me, feel my breath in my body – to really feel my-self – then I may gain greater wisdom to deal with the problems and obstacles that may present on the path ahead.

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Give a Gift of Giving - that Keeps On Giving!

Give a Gift of Giving - that Keeps On Giving!

Give a Gift of Giving - that Keeps On Giving!

Wishing everyone a delightfully lovely & relaxed Christmas!

For many of us, as this Holiday season unfolds, we enter the season of giving and receiving. I personally experience giving as a gift of receiving. As I give of my time, energy or money I enjoy seeing others gain benefit – creating a round circle of giving and receiving. Therefore I heartfully invite all my friends and family to give generously this season and enjoy the benefits of doing so! And, I can highlight my own social welfare projects in Nepal as a good option for gifting! Perhaps share of your own abundance to benefit others

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Satori 2017 Reminder

Satori 2017 Reminder

Hello dear Satori friends …

Satori time is coming closer once again ... December 10-16th once again at Sangsurya - in case you feel inspired to join or feel to encourage a friend to participate the details can be found on my webpage:

Some of you have already confirmed you are coming, great! If you are planning to join but have not yet let us know in reality, then please be in touch directly by emailing Josie at – it helps with the planning and organizing, making it easier and smoother for everyone.


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21 years ago I fell in love

21 years ago I fell in love

 21 years ago I fell in love - with the country, people and culture of Nepal It continues to be an amazing, growing, deepening and empowering journey! The last two years have been especially an exponential experience of growth since enduring the massive earthquake alongside my Nepali friends and families. Please enjoy to read this news update I compiled where I share some of the complexities and achievements in the past two years. I am so appreciative of the many people who are part of my life & journey - love is indeed a shared experience! ♥


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Laughter Medicine is good for Mind, Body & Soul!

Laughter Medicine is good for Mind, Body & Soul!

Our ability to laugh, play and connect with each other and our surroundings is a natural gift that allows our bodies to be healthier, our mind to relax, our creative spirit to engage and our hearts to be happier There is immense value in literally laughing out loud till your belly hurts – the healthy endorphins released wonderfully naturally counter the daily stresses that we tend to accumulate and automatically hold onto. Even in difficult and imprisoned (physical and mentally) situations we can find freedom when we allow it ... this short video is a lovely reminder to play, enjoy and laugh...

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Good Morning 2017!

Good Morning 2017!

 Good morning 2017,  I wonder what this year will be?

I was contemplating this question as I sat this New Years early morning in one of my most favourite places in the world, the Whian forest - a magical place - full of so much diversity. When I am in Nature it is always a reminder to me about the complexity of Life and the wholeness of Life. Sitting in amongst the decay, the broken branches and uprooted trees and yet all about me is new growth, new life coexisting with death. This could be a metaphor for 2017. Many people faced challenges and difficulties 2016 (and previous years!) so perhaps our outlook for 2017 can be one of inclusion. Including that there are challenges and difficulties - we can't deny them anyway!

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Respond with kindness and care … not fear.

Respond with kindness and care … not fear.

Thank you for those who reached out to ask if I was safe after the heartbreaking event in Berlin (Dec 19th) - I was not in Berlin at the time but in Australia far from the current event physically yet close in my heart to all these who maybe feeling distress, sadness and fear right now. I deeply feel for those who are directly affected and share my heartfelt love & care & simply holding "you"

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Satori time in Byron Bay, Australia

Satori time in Byron Bay, Australia

Hello dear friends,

Satori time in Byron bay, Australia is coming closer once again, Dec 3-9th held at Sangsurya Retreat centre - in case you feel inspired to join or feel to encourage a friend to participate the details can be found at:
Or request further information by email:


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The Mind and Life Dialogue "Power and Care"

The Mind and Life Dialogue "Power and Care"

Sept 10-12 in Brussels a wonderful collection of wise elders, visionaries, artists, scientists and the Dalai Lama came together to discuss the theme of "Power and Care" from various perspectives with the intention to bring these dialogues into our general awareness and discussions. The event was inspired by Dr Tania Singer, an inspiring and innovative scientist as well a heartful woman making a difference in the world – someone I am happy to call a friend! The discussions are in the format of a panel, each with a theme. It is quite some hours but worthwhile to truly receive the variety of insights and wise commentaries.

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Some weekend contemplation

Some weekend contemplation

Alan Steinfeld interviewing Bruce Lipton, who shares some powerful insights/understandings that have the potential to be life changing. I resonate with much of Bruce Lipton's views and I love Alan's insightful questions. I do feel that having material like this can indeed help us all to think a bit outside our normal conditioned beliefs and that can be wholesomely healthier for all of us!

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News update from Kira, August 2016

News update from Kira, August 2016

News Update from Kira Kay, August 2016
Deutsch Version hier:

Hello dear friends,

I happened across something surprising this morning – my local news provider now has a dedicated segment for “good news,” news that is uplifting, news about people inspiring, supporting and helping other people. I would love that this would be our “main” news and that we would have much smaller sections of what is currently our main news – dedicated news of war, murders and misfortune that incites fear, mistrust and anxiety. What might our world be like if this was turned around? If good news dominated our airwaves, TVs and the internet?

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Some Good News stories

Some Good News stories

Most of us are uplifted when we hear or see something positive happening in our community. I am fortunate to come across numerous examples on a regular basis and I share a few real life happenings that have been in my world for various reasons this past week. Perhaps they inspire or touch your heart and generate a smile – or maybe even encourage you to share your own uplifting stories and experiences?! Boyan Slat as a teenager wowed the world with his ideas of how to clean up the oceans of plastic. 

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Spirituality and community – an interview with Kira Kay by Almut Groeger publish in March, 2016 in Sien magazine, Berlin (the article in German)

Spirituality and community – an interview with Kira Kay by Almut Groeger publish in March, 2016 in Sien magazine, Berlin (the article in German)

 Kira Kay nimmt mehr wahr als andere Menschen. Durch ihren besonderen Zugang zu einem übergeordneten, ganzheitlichen Wissen unterstützt sie weltweit Menschen und Organisationen, Zusammenhänge und Sinnlinien wahrzunehmen und zu verstehen. Unter anderem ist sie Mitglied im Visionsrat des ZEGG und hilft dieser Gemeinschaft, ihrem evolutionären Impuls zu folgen und ihr Potenzial optimal für die Welt einzusetzen. 

Almut Groeger sprach mit Kira Kay über ihr Verständnis von Spiritualität und Gemeinschaft.



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Welcome 2016 - Bathing in Grace & Peace

Welcome 2016 - Bathing in Grace & Peace

Watching the sun rise this morning I was reminded once again how ordinarily profound it is that we have the gift of a new day - every day! A fresh day to be. I bathed in one of my favorite scared spots in the nature just after sunrise feeling the refreshing cool waters wash over my skin, another simple reminder - of how good water feels. Sitting quietly afterwards hearing the alive stillness of the forest around, feeling grace & peace - I sincerely wish 2016 to bath all of us in new beginnings and may each of us have many moments to reflect & remember to 'be' and perhaps in that alive stillness hear our heart's messages that allow our lives to flow naturally into grace & peace.

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To all my Nepalese family & friends ... I wish you a very happy Vijaya Dashami 2015 - may life smile kindly on you this festival & the year ahead

To all my Nepalese family & friends ... I wish you a very happy Vijaya Dashami 2015 - may life smile kindly on you this festival & the year ahead

I dedicate this post to all my Nepali Friends & Family who have opened my heart and mind with your smiles & innocent resilence heart emoticon heart emoticon heart emoticon

One (of the many!) things I enjoy when I am in Nepal is the smiles – they are not automatic responses but alive, gorgeously unique movies that start with the eyes. A twinkle of recognition that you have ‘met’ followed by the whole face coming alive in warmth and openness – even if you are simply passing strangers in the street. These smiles - from children, elders and everyone in between - never fail to uplift my day and add a spring to my step.

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Celebrating my Father

Celebrating my Father

My father gave me many valuable gifts – the first co-creating that I am alive! Even though he died more than 27 years ago I feel the impact of his love and the legacy of life lessons he passed on to me every day. On this day celebrating fathers I dedicate this post to my father, "Rafe Charles".

“Thank you dad for teaching me to question, to not take things at face value but to investigate and find out truth for myself - it has not always been easy to do this yet the solid foundation of integrity I now feel within I am thankful for every single day.  



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