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Kira's Blog

Kira’s 2022 New Year Meditation

January 2022
I really enjoy greeting the first day of the year immersed in one of my favourite forests. Sitting quietly at sunrise, the calls of the birds and rustling of the forest creating the soundscape background as I tune in for a New Year’s message for myself – and all of us. This last year has been so turbulent and disrupting for so many of us, shifts and changes that we did not perhaps expect. For some this may be unsettling and for others it may be more dynamically guiding new futures – for each of us a unique and different impulse. 
For me personally this last year I have experienced a deep sense of being supported, being cared for, being loved. Sometimes that may be reflected by individual people and at other times it's felt as if something else, whatever we call it – spirit, the universe, God – was/is here for me. A deep sense of beloved. I do find that being in nature brings this more real and alive for me, as it probably does for many of us. As I sit in the forest with all the big trees, the twittering birds this deep sense of grace, of universal energy, of something … that is holding space for all that is, supporting wisdom within to arise more clearly.

I do feel that 2022 will call within all of us another depth of vulnerability, of being with ourselves and each other with kindness and inclusion. How much can I remember in each moment take an extra breath, to rise in grace, to soften, allow and give space for what I can't see or know?  I do keep feeling there so much more that is unfolding that is not on the level that we are in touch with at this point in time. Generally, my sense for what is still unfolding is uplifting and I feel a little excited and in awe for what is evolving in our world the next years. 

In the evening of New Year’s day a brilliant double rainbow appeared in our fields – a sign that I take as a reminder that light and magic is here with us and can appear at any moment, especially on grey heavy days!

For now I leave you with the sound recording of my New Year meditation as an inspiration and encouragement. 

Wishing all of us a gentle and loving start into 2022 💕
I heartfully would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land that nourishes my being, that invokes and inspires my meditation and wisdom – on this Widjabul Country of the Bundjalung Nation. I deeply respect their elders past, present and emerging. Thank you from my deepest heart for caretaking these lands and ensuring such genuine aliveness of continuing wisdom to guide us all into the future – may we all tread gently on these lands and continue to listen deeply.