Kira's Blog
Sustainable Banking: it does make a positive difference!
Some 'good news' on value-based banking, contributing to healthy, sustainable, transparent banking.
Recently I had the pleasure to participate in a conference of the Global Alliance of Sustainable Banks. (
An uplifting and stimulating experience, it was simply lovely to meet the CEOs of the banks that I bank with (GLS bank in Germany, Bank MECU in Australia, Triodos bank in England) and to have real conversations with them. It was inspiring to hear about innovations the different banks around the world are creating and participating in.
Throughout, it was heart-touching for me to experience the people involved and working within these institutions - putting people first rather than profits. The missions of the banks, although individually varied, all essentially aspire to be community oriented - to provide banking services that support banking members, individuals and businesses and the wider community – and to do so in a way that is sustainable, with awareness of the environment. Any financial profits generated are redistributed back into the banking structure in the form of lower fees, reduced loan rates, and start-up incentives for community-oriented endeavours.
The keynote speakers at the conference gave enlightening talks to broaden views and discussions about how can we be a part of healthy changes in our economy as individuals, businesses and banks. The discussions in-between and the various afternoon workshop panel discussions were stimulating and provided an opportunity to participate more directly with speakers and other participants.
Here are links to some of the keynote speakers and their talks at the conference:
Dr. Tomáš Sedláček: From Economics to Humanomics
Dr. Wendy Luhabe - Drivers of Change
For my German friends, here is a short 'highlights' video of the conference:
For my Aussie friends, a short summary from Damien Walsh, the CEO of Bank MECU, about the Berlin conference. During the conference I had the pleasure to have some exchanges with Damien about Australian banking and it made me even more secure and happy to be banking with Bank MECU!
(The next global alliance of sustainable banking conference will be in Australia in 2014.)
If you are curious or require any further encouragement or perhaps have questions about changing over your banking to healthy banks then this report can be helpful:
My personal passion and interest in sustainable banking practices leads me to write now and again on this theme. ;-)
Here is a link from a previous blog about this:
I am quite sure I will be continuing to communicate further on this theme of healthy banking! In the meantime I trust that you may feel inspired by my sharing here and look a bit more close!
Happy banking! Kira