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Kira's Blog

International Peace Day, September 21st, 2013

19 September 2013

The motto for this year’s International Peace Day is: “Who will you make Peace with?” I take this as an invitation to each of us to be active in the peace building process.

I consider that Peace as something that we all can, and do, contribute to … even when we don’t think we do! How and where we put our attention supports either peace or disharmony and conflict. It may be obvious to consider Peace when contemplating the Syria situation or what has been unfolding in Egypt or many other global conflict zones. Yet, when we consider our everyday life we may also find conflicts – with colleagues, family, partners or even with strangers! Plus, if we look within it is most likely that we will find inner conflict, the inner judge or critic arguing against other aspects of ourselves.

Let us all consider, contemplate and explore "Who can I am make peace with?"

It may create a wider contribution than we realize! In recent scientific studies compassion, and self-compassion, create well-being and happiness. If you wish to find out more about compassion, the benefits of it, the science of it, and how to train it, here is a comprehensive multimedia e-book (free!)created by Dr. Tania Singer, a dear friend and leading scientist in the field of compassion. You may find it helpful in your exploration. <>

I invite you to join me in being an active Peace builder!

On the 21st September I will be joining with others here in Berlin for a silent meditation followed by music and dance to celebrate. Celebration can be helpful. When we allow our enjoyment, gratitude and aliveness it can help us to see our own and others conflicts with more compassion. If you wish to join us, here's the info:

Or perhaps create your own event? This link is to an organization that is dedicated to bringing attention to Peace and being an advocate of World Peace. They are collaborating and collating events to benefit Peace throughout the world, as well as providing inspiring dialog about Peace: 

Ah … and I wish to finish off with two of my most favourite heart-touching songs of all time on the topic of Peace by John Lennon … 

Paci - hasiti - Peace – Frieden – صلح – Paix – shanti - Vrede