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Kira's Blog

Change of Year

1st January 2014

 One year ends, another begins - the revolving doors of life ...

Namaste dear friends, wishing you all easy & reflective last eve of the year, may your insights of what has past this last year give you illumination for what can open and evolve in the year ahead … 

For me, this past year of 2013 has been rich in so many ways, I am grateful for everyone who has been in my life in whatever way, so much diversity of experiences and meetings! So many of you have deeply touched, inspired, encouraged me in my own journey – opportunities to be vulnerable, giving/receiving, to share in this amazing adventure of life, thank you!

May 2014 be filled with even more love, friendship, heart opening experiences and much more that right now I cannot even imagine! I heartfully leave lots of space for the unknown experiences that will engage me into new aspects of life and myself. May we all enjoy a year with the potential of more connection, love and evolution as humanity together.

Happy & loving slide into 2014 …