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Sustainable Business Strategies (SBS)

My own experience in coordinating and managing a variety of different business structures (both for profit and non profit), combined with experience in personal development and practical application of intuition, allows me to share a unique perspective on whole business practice. Through my passionate interest and enjoyment of practical business matters, I have evolved my own unique approach to healthy business practices that I convey to others in the spirit of collaboration. As more of us evolve in our practical lives, and integrate our personal interests with nature, we collectively create a healthier world to live in! – Kira Kay

Do you live to work? Or does your work give you time to live?

Kira's Sustainable Business Strategies seminar series presents integrative holistic approaches to business planning, managing, and operations all designed to help you realise the maximum potential of your business - and balance in your life. Whether you are just thinking of starting up a business or natural health practice, or whether you are already operating a business for some years, you can gain practical support and insights that could change how you function in your business and life.

Some of the key points addressed in this series are:

  • • Developing a business plan that is a real, useable and practical tool no matter what stage of your business.
  • • Find your natural creative flow and sense of purpose and place in life in your business context.
  • • Understanding the natural cycles of business and life, and how to work with them naturally.
  • • Developing personnel systems and operations that work for you and all people involved.
  • • Identifying and addressing the problems and opportunities of financial flow.
  • • Effectively evaluating your business and creating renewed vision.
  • • Maximising collaboration of all interested parties to effect healthier social impact.
  • • Marrying your personal life and business needs in a healthy and dynamic way.